We are a family of Christ’s disciples spreading hope to our neighbors in our homes, with our work, and through our craft.

About us.

Our identity can be summed up in six words: Faith, Hope, Love, Hospitality, Service, & Joy.


We believe in one true, Triune God — revealed to us in Holy Scripture as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We as a church try best to explain this mystery and others of our belief in the three creeds of the Church.


The world is overwhelming and often scary. Hatred, arrogance, violence, greed, and many more woes afflict our lives. We recognize things are not the way they should be. In the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we see salvation. We see a picture of the good life. We see how we were created to be: relying on God and reconciling with those around us. We celebrate and practice this in worship together on Sundays.


As Christ so loved us, we now love each other. The mission of God’s people is to take care of every member and part of God’s creation. We are commanded to drop our self-centered focus to love our neighbors more than ourselves. As a church, we learn these habits using Luther’s Small and Large Catechism and the other teachings in the Book of Concord.


All are made in the image of God and are beloved by Him! We desire Jefferson Avenue Mission and her people to be a sanctuary for all. We seek to provide space and safety while we wrestle with big questions of faith, hope, and love together.


To spread hope and love our neighbor, we joyfully do the work God has called us to do. to faithfully serve those around us. If you need help, please reach out using out form below.


We wish to see thriving communities in our city that have opportunity and entertainment for all. God has created each of us with unique abilities and talents. Sharing what brings us joy is a way to spread hope, love, and faith. Check out events or rent our space yourself.

Worship Sundays 4PM, Community Meal 5PM

Every Sunday we gather as a family to spend time with God, learning and practicing what it means to be followers of Jesus Christ.

Regular Sunday Gatherings:

On 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Sundays, we build up our relationships with our neighbors, lift each other up each other as a church, and explore the Bible to discover the heart and character of Jesus as we work our way through a Gospel together. You might see us walking around Fox Park to pray, helping at a local service event, or hosting a party on our lawn. No matter what, you will always see Scripture read, large group discussion, and application for life today.

2nd Sunday Worship:

This week is a celebration of God’s relationship with us. We express our thanks and praise in worship and are reminded of God’s good gifts of life, forgiveness, and salvation. You will see a couple of songs, a discussion and teaching on a section of the Bible, and the celebration of Communion at the table of our Lord.

After worship, we gather around the table for dinner at 5pm. Everyone pitches in as they can. All are welcome!

What to expect at Jefferson Avenue:

Get in touch.

Do you have a question? A prayer request? Just want to say hi? We’d love to hear from you!

Our history.

Jefferson Avenue Mission was founded in 1889 as an offshoot of Historic Trinity Church in Soulard. In 1894, the worshiping congregation at Jefferson Avenue voted to seperate from Trinity and write their own constitution, and Emmaus Lutheran Church was formed. Emmaus operated as a Lutheran church and school for over a century, ministering to neighbors all over the St. Louis area. It closed its doors in 2016, and sat dormant for several years before reopening with its historical name: Jefferson Avenue Mission.

Now, the worshipping body at Jefferson Avenue Mission is honored to carry on the legacy of their forebarers, and share Christ’s love in Fox Park and beyond.

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”

- Hebrews 10:24-25